News Release


eMeasureIT offers an outstanding on-line fixed operations toolbox. eMeasureIT has all the on-line tools you’ve have been looking for to manage your people and business. eMeasureIT also works as a stand alone and will also work seamlessly with your current management system such as ADP, Reynolds & Reynolds, Autosoft, and more. 


eMeasureIT Benefits


·          Online Technical support


·          Real Time Department Dashboard

­         -Individual Technician production status including charts

­        - Individual Advisor production status including charts

­         -Number of production hours sold and  for sale

­        - Plus or minus forecast indicators

­         -YTD Financial status and charts

­         -PYTD Financial Status and charts

­         -Training ,Vacation and time off monitoring

­        - Appointment scheduling and loading key indicators

­         -File Manager (up-load and down load important files)

­         -Task manager

­         -Customer satisfaction metrics

­         -Concern resolution indicators and metrics


·          Technician/Advisor Forecasting

­         -Technician and Advisor forecast calculators

­         -Annual Technician/Advisor Forecasting

­         -Monthly Technician Forecasting

­         -Commodity forecast calculator

­        - Calendar Utilization Forecasting

­         -Calendar Utilization gantt chart

­        - Employee score cards

­         -Employee production reports

­        - Employee production history

­        - Production reports

­        - Department graphs and charts

­        - Technician/Advisor individual graphs and chats


·          Appointment Scheduling & Loading

­         -On line scheduling

­        - Real time hour bank calculator

­        - Integrated with forecasted sales and production

­         -On line dispatching

­         -First appointment tracking

­         -No show appointment reports

­         -Loaner car availability calculator

­         -Calendar set-up

-Hours of operation

-Days of operation


-Waiters per hour per Advisor


·          Email Reminders and Alerts

­         -Tasks due

­         -Technician/Advisor training

­         -Vacation/Time off

­         -Scheduled Marketing campaigns

­         -Customer dissatisfaction 

­         -Repeat repairs

­         -Customer receives email notifications when

-Scheduling Service appointments

-Customer no show request to re-schedule appointment

-Vehicle completion

·          Task Manager

­         -Track department tasks

­         -Task manager clock

­         -Prioritize tasks

­         -Assign tasks

­         -Task history file

­         -Task alerts





eMeasureIT Benefits:
  • Online Technical Support
  • Department Dashboard
  • Technician/Advisor Forecasting
  • Appointment Scheduling & Loading
  • Email Reminders and Alerts
  • Task Manager
  • Department Calendars
  • iFollow-up System

    and more...
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